11 Tips to Boost your Farm YouTube Channel

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1. Get specific about who your farm audience is

Does your goal audience have something in common? Aside, from farming and homesteading. Pick exactly what type of content you are creating and who would benefit from it.

Knowing who your ideal audience is will help you create titles and content that will appeal to them to develop a loyal following who loves your videos.

Think about the different needs of a market gardener vs a cattle farmer. They have farming in common but many other differences. Really know who you are making content for and how it will help them.

2.      Write attention-grabbing titles

Don’t go for click bait titles, but write something you think would draw your audience in. How tos, best of, and best way to do are always great titles to grab people searching for solutions. Once they see your video and how great your content is, they will subscribe and there you got a great new follower and shared helpful information with them through your video.

Don’t forget to add a Power word! This is something that adds more feeling & depth to the title.

For Example:

  • 8 Ways to Save on Chicken Feed Costs

  • 8 Ways to Slash your Chicken Feed Bill

3.      SEO

Before you write off SEO because its hard, stick with me for a moment!

SEO is just a fancy way to say words that people are searching for. For example, “How to build a greenhouse” can be your title and also your SEO.

Use the following tips to help your SEO and get ranked in the YouTube algorithm.

  • Titles and description: Include target keywords in your title and description.

  • Mention keywords in your video: Speaking this specifics video’s keywords can help YouTube better understand what your video is about.

  • Categories: Use categories to help YouTube get a better understanding of who to show your videos to. This goes back to who your audience is and what categories they have in common.

  • Tags: In addition to categories, you can also add tags to your videos to give YouTube more context about your content. You can use quite a few tags, so add as many as you can think of that are relevant to your video. Irrelevant tags can hurt your ranking as people will move away from your video rather than watch it.

Hate SEO?

Good news, there’s now 2 great programs that will do it for you.


VidIQ is a powerful YouTube analytics tool (with a FREE version!) that helps content creators optimize their videos and grow their channels. (It’s what we use!)

It provides valuable insights on video performance, competition analysis, and keyword research, helping creators make data-driven decisions to increase their visibility and engagement on the platform. It even now gives you video prompts and will write SEO-optimized descriptions for you.

Overall, VidIQ is an essential tool for anyone looking to grow their YouTube channel and reach a wider audience.

Tube Buddy

TubeBuddy is software for your YouTube channel that suggests SEO tag words and other shortcuts that make SEO much easier for those who are not masters yet.

This program will also help you search for Keywords even before you make a video so you can know which keywords are getting the most searches and how you can fit in those categories. It also runs ranking reports so you can see whose content you are competing with, how they are doing, and what you can do better!

4. Customize your thumbnails

What is going to catch your viewer’s eye? Think of your title and thumbnail as a sort of one-two punch to grab a viewer’s attention.

By default, YouTube takes a screenshot from your video and uses it for the thumbnail. These are not always your best images so create your own thumbnail so you can make the perfect first impression. If its not great, people will just scroll by.

Also, remember that many people view the covers on their phones so tiny text is extra tiny to them. Make your cover stand out!

Not graphic savvy? You don’t have to be anymore. Check out CanvaPicMonkey, or TubeBuddy for super easy ways to make graphics in moments. It also allows you to A/B test thumbnails to see which one’s people click on more.

5. Call to action

We hate to repeat it, but it works. Tell your audience to like and subscribe.

Without this reminder, people might forget to add you to their subscribe list and may not make it back to your site. Give them that reminder so they can come back and tell them what future content they can expect so they are motivated to subscribe.

Don’t draw this out too long. By now most people know subscribing will help support your channel and they want to get on to the content.

6. Engage with the community

Being part of a community, even virtual is so important for social media. Any interaction with your viewers is seen as a positive signal to YouTube. At a minimum, engage with your subscribers. Answer all your comments, even if it is just to like it and say thank you. This shows the algorithm that you are active and social!

7. Cross-promote your videos

It’s very likely there are other channels with similar content out there. Search around and look at videos that might be a good starting point for people who then need a video you have. Drop a link in the comments of that video, tactfully of course.

If someone has a “How to Build your First Greenhouse” video, their comments might be a perfect place to drop your “How to Condition your First Greenhouse” video.

Also, look for questions people have posted that the other video or creator might not have answered. Helping each other is what this community is about after all.

8. Embed your YouTube videos

Some of the best places to promote your YouTube channel are beyond YouTube and places where your customer base might already exist.

Embed a relevant video on your website. Post it as a comment on a question thread to answer someones issue. Get creative!

For example, if your farm business page talks about the quality of a product you produce, embed your YouTube video with more information about why the quality of your product is superior.

9. Create playlists for your YouTube content

When people jump onto your channel, odds are they are not going to start with the first video you ever created.

Make a list so people can follow videos in an order that makes sense. This is even more important if your videos are unable to stand alone and are linked to other videos.

10. Publish Regularly & Stay Engaged

It’s no surprise that social media platforms reward users for publishing regularly and staying engaged on their platform.

Make sure you are publishing content regularly; most people release a video a week. If you are doing more or less, that’s fine but try to keep consistently creating.

Try to also stay engaged with your subscribers. Especially early, always respond to your comments, even if it is just to thank them for watching. It will show your subscribers that you are a real person and boost the algorithm at the same time.

11. Check your Analytics

Check the Channel analytics to learn more about what might be going wrong or right on your channel.

This holds info about when people might be losing interest in your videos, demographic data, even down to what time people are watching your videos if you have enough views.

You can find this on Analytics or you can also use VidIQ & TubeBuddy for extra insights on understanding your success and not so successful content and how you can make more that gets views!

In short, there’s so many things you can do for your YouTube channel but the most important thing is don’t give up! Consistency over time has big rewards!

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