Regenerative Agriculture Certifications

Regenerative Agriculture Certifications are new but growing in popularity. All listed are from nonprofit certification programs. Here are a few below that you can get certified in and what they generally include.

A Greener World Regenerative Certification

Certified Regenerative by AGW is focused on high-welfare production, transport and slaughter practices. Farmers must have a “regenerative plan”. Certified Regenerative is a “whole farm” program, meaning that all products, including plant- or animal-based products, produced on the farm must be produced according to the Certified Regenerative standards.  Generally, pesticides and synthetic fertilizers are not allowed in this certification however organic certification is not required.

It appears that the audit is $100 for certification.

Those who gain or seek Certified Regenerative status will also have access to AGW’s support services, including:

  • AGW’s marketing team that works to support farmers in accessing markets, branding and adding value to their product with the Certified Regenerative by AGW logo.

  • Listing in the AGW online directory, frequented by thousands of consumers seeking sustainable, high-welfare meat, dairy, eggs, grains and produce.

  • AGW’s expert technical staff, available to support environmentally sustainable, practical and profitable regenerative and pasture-based production.

Regenerative Organic Certified (ROA)

ROA certification is built on 3 pillars; Soil Health, Animal Welfare, and Social Fairness.

  • Soil health includes: building organic matter, conservation tillage, cover crops, crop rotations, no GMOs, no soilless systems, no synthetic inputs, promotion of biodiversity and rotational grazing

  • Animal Welfare includes: Freedom from distress, hunger, and ability to express normal behavior, grass-fed/ pasture raised, limited transport, no CAFOs, and suitable shelters

  • Social Fairness includes: capacity building, democratic organizations, fair payment for farmers, good working conditions, livable wages, and more.

Costs include: An application fee of

o    operation < five distinct parcels: fee is $350 USD

o    operation > five distinct parcels: fee is $550 USD

o    operation is a grower group: fee is $750 USD

The website does not express any support from ROA about further promotion after certified.


Regenified is Gabe Brown’s cerification process. It is very new and doesnt appear to be fully live to be applied for yet. Launched Spring 2022, recruiting farmers from within Understanding Ag network. We will update as we learn more.

Soil Carbon Initiative

This is a newer verification. Its parent organization is Green America nonprofit. This certification is focused on grains, specialty crops and similar for farmers and brands. Given the variation of outcomes on farms, SCI does not require that key outcome targets are achieved. SCI does verify that the participant farms are actively engaged in their transition plans, are performing and reporting on required testing, are increasing their number of acres transitioned, and are participating in the SCI communities of practice.

Savory International

Slightly different than the other two above, Savory certifies farms as “Savory Hubs”. Hubs are Holistic Management training, learning and demonstration sites. Their standards of assessment are not listed publicly but hubs must follow holistic management practices leading to the development of soil health. Generally, it takes 2 years of holistic management to be considered as a hub.
Savory is highly involved with their hubs and even has a “Land to Market” program where they work to help companies source regenerative raw products from their hubs.

Regen 1

Regen 1 focuses on 5 ecosystem benefits; water, soil, equity, biodiversity, & air. REGEN1 farmers and ranchers are eligible for targeted purchasing commitments that reward them for the outcomes and ecosystem benefits provided by their regenerative practices. REGEN1 is also developing incentives to assist conventional growers in transitioning to regenerative agriculture. At this time, this program seems to be for California farms only.

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FAQs about Regenerative Agriculture Certifications

What are Regenerative Agriculture Certifications?

Regenerative Agriculture Certifications are labels or seals that indicate that a product or farm has been produced using regenerative agriculture practices. These certifications are designed to provide consumers with a clear understanding of how their food is produced and to support farmers and producers who are using regenerative practices to regenerate the soil, enhance biodiversity, and sequester carbon.

Why are Regenerative Agriculture Certifications important?

Regenerative Agriculture Certifications are important because they help to promote and support the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices. By providing consumers with a clear and recognizable label, these certifications make it easier for people to choose products that have been produced in a way that is beneficial for the environment and their health. They also provide farmers and producers with a way to differentiate their products in a crowded market and to be recognized for their commitment to sustainable and regenerative practices.

What are some examples of Regenerative Agriculture Certifications?

There are several Regenerative Agriculture Certifications available, including the Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC), the Savory Institute Land to Market Certification, the Soil Association Organic Standard, and the Demeter Biodynamic Certification. Each of these certifications has its own set of standards and requirements, but they all share a commitment to regenerative agriculture practices. See above for details.

How do I know if a product or farm is certified regenerative?

Certified regenerative products or farms will usually display a certification seal or label on their packaging or website. If you are unsure whether a product or farm is certified, you can check the certification organization's website or contact them directly to verify.

Can I trust Regenerative Agriculture Certifications?

Regenerative Agriculture Certifications are designed to be trustworthy and transparent. These certifications are typically based on rigorous standards and undergo regular third-party audits to ensure compliance. However, it is important to note that not all certifications are created equal, and some may have different standards or levels of oversight. It is recommended to research the certification organization.