Regenerative Chicken

 Regenerate the world with… Chicken!

Did you know most chicken is raised in crowded factories and never see daylight?

Chicken production is super depressing, but PastureBird is the exact opposite.

Regenerative Chicken

What does Regenerative Chicken mean?

Regenerative means they are raised in a system that improves the soil and is better for the environment. You will mostly see this carried out by rotational grazing.

Chickens are VERY hard on soil thats why moving them to fresh pasture every day is essential to helping the soil recover. This lends to an amazing environment for the chickens, healthy land, and healthier birds!

  • Regenerative

  • Pasture Raised on Fresh Air & Sunshine

  • Family Owned

  • Delicious!!!

Chickens are raised in rotational grazing systems where they get fresh grass daily and this amazing shelter that keeps them warm in the winter and cool in the summer!

Get it delivered to your door from their family farm.

If you care about the future of soil and farming, join us in supporting their amazing farm!

Use code REGEN10 at check out for 10% off to support better farming!

This post may contain affiliate links that help us keep spreading regenerative agriculture across the nation!